Friday, March 20, 2009

i dont have a topic...

i really dont know what else to write about...iv writen about pretty much everything i can think about and im drawin blanks now. hmmmm.....i hope this counts as a blog but im doubting it! i just turned in my portfolio and im waiting for the "ok" to leave this class for the last time. kina sad...=( but ill be ok!

this weekend

tonight i am making melinda go out with me because we never get to hang out anymore and we havent went out together since we graduated high school...two years ago! shes going to be my partner in beer pong and im sure we are going to lose! wer going to take lots of pictures and laugh a lot! i so excited we are going to have sooooooo much fun! just like the good ol days in high school!

the past twelve weeks...

my experience i this class has been great. iv learned a lot about writing and myself as a writter. i enjoyed doing my research paper which has never happened before! it challenged my in a fun and exploring way. i enjoyed the company of those who sat around me. except for a couple loud mouth kids who were just flat out annoying! but i had fun with ashton kaitlyn and of course melinda...shes my best friend!

man on the moon

i think we should have put the american flag on the moon. whatever country made it to the moon first would have put their own flag on it so it we should put ours. and the white flag would have been a bad idea because a white flag means to surrender. why would we put that up there?

Monday, March 16, 2009

man on the moon

this photo was taken on the moon. but there were a lot of speculation that it was taken in a studio and we never went to the moon. people say that the back drops are all the same and that the flag should not have blown because there is no air in space...i never seen the documentary so i really dont have an opinion on it but thats about all i know about this picture.

do over

if could redo this quarter i would have payed more attention when i was scheduling my classes because i signed up for the wrong math class and ended up having to drop it. and i would not have waited so long to register because i procrastinated and ended up having to come monday thru friday.....and i wouldnt have wasted my day at the dayton airport trying to get a job because it made me miss my class and i thought the research paper was due. it wasnt even the job i thought it was and it was like over an hour away!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

if i won the lottery...

the first thing i would do is grab my boyfriend and jump on the first flight to cabo san lucas and party with sammy hagar at the cabo wabo cantina! then we would take lessons and learn how to surf. then we would go swim with dolphins somewhere, and eat at the fanciest resturant in the city. we would stay at the more luxorious five star hotel, and rent a corvette to drive around town. then we would go rent some jet skies and play in the ocean all day, then go to a spa and get a masage in hang out in a jacuzzi


if i were stranded on a desert island i would bring my cell phone. that way, i could still call my friends and family so i wouldnt be as lonely. i could keep in touch with everyone and still listen to music because if i was stuck on an island i would definatley buy some music for my phone!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

back in time

if i could go back in time for 1 year i would go back to 1988 and be exactly 21 years old. i would go to every motley crue and def leppard concert i could! i love the 80s hair bands and i would love to go to the concerts when it was in its prime!

Friday, March 6, 2009

spring break

this year for spring break my little brother and i are going to ft. meyers floida to visit our grandparents. wev never been to floida or flown on a plane so we are super excited! my brother is 16 and hes never seen the ocean so wer going to have so much fun! we get to go to tampa for a day and an alligator farm, and of course lay and the beach and go swimming in the ocean!

next week..

next week im going to see elton john with my mom. i bought us the tickets for christmas and we have been so excited! we both love elton john and neither of us have had the chance to see him in concert. billy joel will also be there but im not that into billy only going because i want to see elton john

who i would meet

if i could meet anyone in the world it would be sammy hagar. i absolutley love sammy hagar! he is my favorite rock star ever! and he lives on the beach in cabo! i would love to go to cabo wabo and hang out with sammy hagar! i would die happy.

where i would live

if i could live anywhere in the world i would live in las vegas. i love the night life atmosphere of vegas. i plan on spending my 21st birthday there! the lights are so amazing at night. especially when your up in the stratosphere looking down from almost 1000 feet...its incredible! i would love to live there!