Wednesday, January 21, 2009

research topic

are drugs too accessible to teenagers? i chose this topic because i have a sixteen year old brother who goes to madison high school. recently he got into some trouble when he was caught with marijuana. I was very surprised when I found out about this. I never suspected him to get into anything like this, i never did. I want to research this topic because I beleive that drugs are extremely easy to get a hold of mostly because parents are ignorant to a lot of ways teens are getting high. Its not just pot anymore its common cold medicines and household items we all have.~~~i didnt watch the inoguration but i did see bits and pieces of it on the news. all i know about it is that all the events for the day were like an hour behind schedule and and he had 10 balls to go to that night, and that his daughters went to some concert with miley cyris the night before....

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